How VPK Will Prepare Your Children for School

free vpk in parklandSending your child to the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) program is a great way to make sure your child is ready for school. We offer free VPK in Parkland at our preschool for all 4-year-old children born on or before September 1.

The Parkland Children’s Academy’s free VPK program offers an age-appropriate curriculum and our qualified teachers place a strong emphasis on early literacy skills. We want to ensure your children’s communication skills are on pace for starting kindergarten. We have manageable class sizes to ensure your children receive some one-on-one attention and are learning the necessary skills along the way.

In addition to focusing on early literacy skills, our free VPK program in Parkland also places an emphasis on pre-math and social skills, in order to give your children a jumpstart on getting ready for school. When we help your children get ready for kindergarten, they have a greater chance at being successful in school. We want to give them a knowledgeable foundation to continue to build on.

The great thing about our free VPK program in Parkland is that for all of the children already attending Parkland Children’s Academy, they do not need to switch to a different daycare provider or public school. As they will already be familiar with the academy, it will be easier for them to jump right into the VPK program. For the children that are just starting at the Parkland Children’s Academy, we will help them assimilate into the environment and work to get them comfortable in their surroundings.

If your child attends the school-year free VPK program in Parkland, we offer 540 instructional hours with class sizes of a maximum of 20 students. We also offer a summer program, which includes 300 instructional hours with class sizes of a maximum of 12 students.

While working hard to make sure children are successful at kindergarten may sound unnecessary, research shows that children who do good in kindergarten are more apt to continue that success and do great later on in school. The free VPK program in Parkland really does make a difference in helping a child perform better in school.

The goal of for our free VPK program in Parkland is to make sure your children are ready for kindergarten. We take pride in giving your children the necessary skills to be successful in kindergarten, and ultimately…in life. Sign up for free VPK today and watch your children grow!

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