Traveling with a baby can be challenging, but with some careful planning, and packing, it can be a breeze. Child care on the move can be stressful as some babies don’t take well to the change of routine and environment.
The key to a relaxing trip is to make sure you have everything that baby might need with you. Being organized will make the trip good for your relationship, even if your baby gets restless.
To save you some time, here is a complete list of what to pack for a short traveling trip with a baby.
Baby’s Carry-On Bag
If you’re flying, you’ll need a carefully stocked carry-on bag for the baby that covers all the basics of changing, feeding, and keeping busy. Here are our suggestions:
For Changing Bottoms
- Diapers, double the amount you normally use in a day and night, travel delays sometimes happen
- A new pack of wipes
- Changing pad
Feeding Time
What you pack for feeding time will be influenced by whether your baby is breast- or bottle-fed, and if they’ve graduated to solids yet.
Breastfed Babies
Here’s what you’ll need for breastfeeding babies:
- Three baby blankets to cover while feeding, or as burping cloths
- Two bibs
- Breast pads
- Pack in a few granolas or cereal bars for you to keep your energy levels up
Bottle Fed Babies
Bottle-fed babies will need:
- Two bottles
- Pre-measured formula
- Water – consider buying at the shop through check-in
- Two bibs
- Two baby blankets for burping
Babies On Solids
Early eaters will need:
- Two jars are baby food per meal
- Two baby spoons
- Finger snacks
When it comes to packing clothes, make sure you check your destination weather and pack clothing accordingly. You don’t want to arrive in freezing cold with the summer onesies that were fine at home.
- Two sets of fresh clothes for your baby
- A change of clothes for you, for in case
- Ziploc bags for soiled clothes
Babies are notoriously fickle when it comes to keeping busy. The most expensive toys can be pushed aside to favor simple things such as a colorful bottle lid. Playing communication games with your baby is great fun and doesn’t need any equipment. Pack a variety of shapes and textures and you won’t go wrong.
- A few favorite small books and toys
- A few new and exciting books and toys
Other Child Care Bits ‘n Pieces
You won’t need to pack the kitchen sink, but for a happy-baby holiday, consider packing:
- Pacifiers – if your baby uses them, bring several
- Infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen – whatever you already use
- Standard antibacterial wipes (not baby wipes)
- Your cell phone and charger – it’s fine to let your baby bag double up as a handbag sometimes!
Baby’s Check-In Luggage – The Ultimate Packing List
Once you’ve packed the things that you have to have with you, you can concentrate on what else needs to come with.
- Diaper cream
- Baby wash
- Body lotion
- 50+ SPF Sunblock
- Infant nail clippers – for trips longer than a week
First Aid Kit
- Baby medications
- Bandages
- Antibiotic ointment
- Baby proofing such as outlet covers
- Pediatrician’s number
- Teething soothers and toys, if they are teething
Feeding Time
- Breast pump, storage for milk
- Formula
- Mini cooler and ice packs
- Bottle brush
- A few jars of baby food and utensils
- Ziplock bags for finger snacks
- 2 Outfits per day that you’ll be away, add two extra
- Clothing to match the weather
Other Baby Bits ‘n Bobs
These are items that will make your life simpler when you get to your destination. It may seem like a lot to lug around, but each of them will help you have a relaxed time away.
- Lightweight baby carrier or stroller
- Car seat – whether you’re traveling by car or not
- Portable feeding chair for babies who sit and eat solids.
- Playmat
- Baby monitor if you won’t be sharing rooms
Tips For Air-Savvy Baby Trips
Take these tips from the trenches from other moms who’ve traveled with their babies. Clever planning goes a long way towards a peaceful time away. Consider the following when you fly with your baby:
- Opt for direct flights, when possible, to avoid transiting through airports and lengthy layovers.
- Try to book flights during nap times. The more of the flight your baby sleeps through, the better.
- Aim for early morning flights as there is usually less chance of delays and the flights tend to be less full.
- Choose bulkhead seating and ask if the airline has bassinets.
- Do a diaper change as close to boarding time as possible to avoid smelly situations while in the air.
- Make use of a baby sling or carrier if your baby is happy to be in one. It is useful to have both hands free while navigating check-in and boarding.
Making Memories Starts Early
Getting organized cuts down on the stress of traveling with a baby. Less stress leaves you free to make memories that will last. Packing right means you’ll come home from your holiday relaxed and looking forward to the next one.
Looking For Top Quality Child Care in South Florida?
We hope these travel tips help you. At Parkland Children’s Academy, we understand babies. We offer specialized, separate infant care from six weeks to twenty-four months. Contact us at (954) 688-5877 if you’d like a guided tour of our facility.